Engraved Wooden Dear Easter Bunny Board

Of all the egg-citing things that children love to do around Easter time, leaving a carrot out the night before the Easter Bunny makes his big arrival, would have to be one of the best moments of them all. Children can just about smell the chocolate treats on their way by this stage before the main event.
Our beautifully crafted wooden Dear Easter Bunny Board is the perfect accompaniment to get this special job done, with our layout thoughtfully designed to leave a glass of water, in case he gets thirsty, an extra little space for the children to get creative with some treat ideas of their own and of course a very special place for the carrot. We can't forget the carrot.
While we have taken the time to create and design this beautiful template for your Easter celebration, this special keepsake item has just one final engraving touch and space leftover to include your child's name/s.
Sadly, not all children are lucky enough to have one of these special boards made just for them, so can you imagine how grateful the Easter Bunny will be, when he visits your home to be greeted by how thoughtful you and your child/children have been to leave all these surprises out for him and on this unique and presentable platter? He's going to be one very hoppy Easter Bunny alright!
Decoration: Laser Engraved
Dimensions: 35w x 1d x 25h cm (13.79”w x 0.39”d x 9.84”h)
Engraving Area: 33w x 23h cm (12.99”w x 9.05”h)
Other Dimensions:
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